
My son never lets me pick the games we play. But if he did, I would pick Blokus

I love Blokus because the rules are easy enough for a 4 year old to grasp, but the strategy is complex enough to challenge any child or adult. I would just as happily play this game with three other grown-ups as with three kids.

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Sorry! (the game)

Sorry! is a classic board game for a reason - it’s easy enough to play with a 5 year old, yet complex enough to enjoy with older kids. If you’re new to playing games with your kids, this is a great place to start. As long as your child is old enough to recognize the numbers on the cards, she is ready to play Sorry!

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Play Games. Ask Questions.

I have no idea how to teach my kids to read.

This fact should terrify me, except that I know my kids will soon be in classrooms with teachers who know far, far more than I do about teaching a child how to progress from letter sounds to chapter books. 

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